Master of Digital Entrepreneurship (MoDE)
Graduating from ENS opens excellent career opportunities in various fields of science, politics, civil society and economics. As a graduate of the MoDE, you will have a firm foundation in ethics and know how to organize, plan and run a business, both profit and non-profit.

Do you want to take up the challenges of the digital transformation? Join the Master of Digital Entrepreneurship and gain the knowledge to shape digital future!
The Master of Digital Entrepreneurship (MoDE) is an innovative study program that provides you with theoretical and methodical knowledge about digitalisation from the perspectives of law, economics, as well as social and computer sciences. MoDE is offered by the European New School of Digital Studies (ENS), a joint venture of European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan. The ENS was founded with the aim to conduct research and offer study programs to face the challenges and chances of the digital transformation. ENS is located in Collegium Polonicum in Slubice, a renowned scientific institution at the German-Polish border.
What is MoDE about?
The four-semester program will be held in English and is composed of six modules. MoDE provides you with an introduction to the fundamentals of digitalisation and practical skills in project management and business. MoDE is a project-based study program that provides you with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills you need to successfully work on individual as well as group projects. With this skillset of theoretical and practical methods you will be able to develop and reflect on your own entrepreneurial solutions for the challenges of the digital transformation in Europe.
The academic staff at ENS will help you with your projects. You will receive additional support from internal and external mentors from academia, business and public institutions. As a MoDE-student, you will have access to our very own Coworking space, which is the central meeting spot for the ENS-community.
How can I apply to MoDE?
You may apply to the MoDE if you have a Bachelor’s degree (or comparable) and have collected 10 ECTS in two of the major subjects of the MoDE (economics, law, sociology, political science or informatics). Alternatively, you can apply by bringing 10 ECTS in one of the major subjects of the MoDE from your Bachelor’s and collecting 10 further ECTS in another major subject during the first two semesters of your studies. You need to speak and write fluently in English (level C1 of CEFR). Applicants are selected on the basis of a project proposal addressing the opportunities and challenges of the digital society plus an interview with the academic staff.
What are my career chances after graduation?
Graduating from ENS opens excellent career opportunities in various fields of science, politics, civil society and economics. As a graduate of the MoDE, you will have a firm foundation in ethics and know how to organize, plan and run a business, both profit and non-profit. You will learn how to analyse markets and to establish an economically sustainable unit that integrates the promises of democracy and human rights with digital technologies.
How much does it cost?
There are no tuition fees.
Got curious?
Visit for more information about the program and the application process.
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