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Aviation management BSc

This focused management degree is designed to develop resilient professionals who are able to apply specialist knowledge, skills and capabilities in a diverse, global aviation industry. Our innovative approach brings together business awareness, strategic thinking, technical understanding, and operational application, by embedding research with current examples.

We focus on the complex inter-relationships that exist between various stakeholders, such as airlines, airport operators, regulators, representative bodies and industry suppliers. The course is actively supported by guest lectures from expert industry practitioners and leaders. Visits to airports and airlines operations provide opportunities for students to bring their learning to life.

The course will cover management and transport systems theory, economics, aerospace engineering, logistics, transport geography, regulation and safety. The degree encourages a holistic appreciation of the complexities of the global aviation ecosystem through applied learning via utilising simulation, practical activities and exposure to the industry.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku aviation management BSc

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Program kształcenia na kierunku aviation management BSc

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Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku aviation management BSc

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Perspektywy pracy po kierunku aviation management BSc

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Opinie o kierunku aviation management BSc

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Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku aviation management BSc

Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek aviation management BSc

W których miastach można studiować kierunek aviation management BSc

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