Business informatics
The main goal of the Business Informatics Bachelor Studies Program is to deliver both theoretical and practical knowledge about applying computer science methods and tools in management and business.
Studies provide graduates with practical skills in the use of software tools supporting business processes. Students will learn, among others, methods and techniques of analysis and design of information systems, business applications, database technology, design and development of mobile applications, methods of project management.
The graduate will have the skills to analyze and synthesize business problems, adapt to changing conditions, take up challenges related to the implementation and use of modern information and communication technologies (ICT), work in a project team, as well as the ability to learn and update knowledge. These skills will be acquired along with knowledge in the field of IT, management, accounting, finance, quantitative methods, and economics.
- system design and programming
Dla kogo studia na kierunku business informatics
The programme ist designed for students who want to discover the world of bustiness informatics snd the field of management, accounting, finance, quantitative methods, and economics.
Program kształcenia na kierunku business informatics
The chosen courses are run both by Polish and foreign practitioners and/or lecturers in cooperation with business partners, who use active teaching methods such as: group work, discussions, business simulations, brainstorming, problem-based learning.
See details on school web site.
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku business informatics
Przedmioty kwalifikacyjne brane pod uwagę w procesie rekrutacji na wszystkich kierunkach prowadzonych przez Uczelnię:
- matematyka,
- język obcy nowożytny (jeden spośród: angielski, francuski, hiszpański, rosyjski, niemiecki, włoski),
- jeden przedmiot do wyboru spośród następujących: język polski, geografia, historia, wiedza o społeczeństwie, fizyka, chemia, biologia, informatyka, filozofia.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku business informatics
Career prospects:
- Business Process Analyst
- Database Designer
- IT Specialist
- IT Project Manager
- IT Manager
- IT Director
Opinie o kierunku business informatics
Business Informatics major is focused on education and adjustment to current market needs, but also enables further development of the graduate. BI students and graduates easily find employment in the labor market dominated by the demand for digital competences and IT specialists.
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku business informatics
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek business informatics
W których miastach można studiować kierunek business informatics
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