Jakiego kierunku studiów szukasz?

Medical engineering

Studies of Medical engineering prepare specialists ready to carry out scientific research in the field of medical engineering and experts prepared to provide engineering support to medical personnel in the institutions of the health care system.

Within the field of Medical Engineering, the following specialties are offered:

  • Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnostics
  • Biomechanics.

Graduates of Medical Engineering obtain the degree of Master of Engineering.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku medical engineering

The studies are addressed to candidates who obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering (first-degree studies).

Candidates are expected to have knowledge of English at the B2 level.

Program kształcenia na kierunku medical engineering

The courses in the study plan:

  • Measurement systems in medical engineering
  • Mechanics of biological fluids
  • Python programming
  • Reverse engineering and 3D printing in medicine
  • Artificial intelligence methods in medicine
  • Elements of medical imaging
  • Medical instruments and apparatus
  • Tissue engineering and biomaterials
  • Medical device certification
  • Medical robotics.

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku medical engineering

Candidates qualification is based on competition of graduation diplomas.

Those, who have no documented knowledge of English at the B2 level, will be required to undergo an interview in English to verify their English language skills (at least at the B2 level).

Perspektywy pracy po kierunku medical engineering

Graduates can take up employment in e.g.:

  • enterprises related to design and manufacture of medical devices and equipment, as constructors and designers of rehabilitation devices, prostheses, implants, devices, and medical tools,
  • institutions and R&D centers developing medical technology as well as accreditation and attestation bodies for medical devices,
  • IT companies involved in developing and implementing tools dedicated to the processing and analysis of biomedical data, in the capacity of programmers, analysts, implementation engineers, and software testers,
  • consulting institutions and companies in the medical industry,
  • health care facilities, as personnel supporting the selection, proper operation, and supervision of the use of medical equipment,
  • own manufacturing or service companies in the field of medical engineering.

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