Jakiego kierunku studiów szukasz?

Cyber security BSc (Hons)

As a result of the continuing digital revolution, computer systems are involved in just about every aspect of modern life. As the number of mobile users, digital applications, and data networks increase, so has the number of potential risks and threats, resulting in the need for talented professionals to secure and protect systems and data.

This degree is designed to produce high quality graduates who can contribute effectively in one of the fastest growing sectors globally.

We offer real-life tools and challenges, giving you the opportunity to become an independent learner through practical projects and advanced teaching methods.

This course examines the principles and threats which underpin computer systems, networks and the software development process. It covers a range of prevalent topics, such as operating systems, network security, programming language, penetration testing, ethical hacking and more

Dla kogo studia na kierunku cyber security BSc (Hons)

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Program kształcenia na kierunku cyber security BSc (Hons)

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Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku cyber security BSc (Hons)

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Perspektywy pracy po kierunku cyber security BSc (Hons)

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Opinie o kierunku cyber security BSc (Hons)

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Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku cyber security BSc (Hons)

Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek cyber security BSc (Hons)

W których miastach można studiować kierunek cyber security BSc (Hons)

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