Jakiego kierunku studiów szukasz?

Metalcasting engineering

The purpose of education in the field of Metalcasting Engineering (CAST) for the Advanced Manufacturing Industry, conducted at the Faculty of Foundry Engineering, is to prepare engineers with the ability to use knowledge from basic disciplines, metallurgy, alloys with special properties, metal and alloy processing, science of casting materials and materials, mold technology and casting defects, thermal technology, computer networks and computer simulation systems in technology.

Students acknowledge manufacturing technologies, numerical simulations, modern and ecological moulding and core sands, casting defects and non-destructive testing, technology of non-ferrous metals, cast steel, iron cast melting and casting, theory of metallurgical and foundry processes, properties of materials and test methods, 3D Printing and reverse engineering.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku metalcasting engineering

The second-cycle programme is offered to graduates from Bachelor studies.

Program kształcenia na kierunku metalcasting engineering

Subjects students learn:

  • properties of materials and test methods
  • molds technology
  • heat treatment of casting
  • plastics and their processing
  • reverse engineering
  • casting defects and non-destrictive testing
  • computer casting design optimalization

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku metalcasting engineering

Application rules:

  • entrance exam
  • average from studies

Perspektywy pracy po kierunku metalcasting engineering

Graduates of the course can work as:

  • production process engineer,
  • engineer-technologist,
  • parts and subassemblies constructor,
  • supervisor engineer and quality engineer,
  • computer-aided manufacturing processes specialist,
  • logistics manager,
  • transport manager,
  • laboratory technician,
  • scientific staff.

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W których miastach można studiować kierunek metalcasting engineering

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