Metallurgical engineering
Metallurgical engineering program is prepared to offer specialized education in the field of modern extractive metallurgy. It covers broad content in the field of metal production from the preparation of raw materials, through the production of metal alloys, to obtaining an ingot. It focuses on the construction and principles of operation of the devices used in production, as well as on the techniques of the ongoing processes. It enables to gain the theoretical knowledge in the field of physical phenomena taking place during extraction processes and high-temperature chemical reactions, including their thermodynamics and kinetics.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku metallurgical engineering
The second-cycle programme is offered to graduates from Bachelor studies.
Program kształcenia na kierunku metallurgical engineering
Subjects students learn:
- physical chemistry
- extractive metallurgy of ferrous alloys
- metal casting
- metal forming
- thermodynamics of metals
- foundry technologies
- hydrogen and green metallurgy
- electrometallurgy
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku metallurgical engineering
Application rules:
- entrance exam
- average from studies
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku metallurgical engineering
Graduates will gain necessary knowledge and experience required in modern metallurgical industry and related industries.