Jakiego kierunku studiów szukasz?

Communication management

Communication Management studies offer a comprehensive approach to external and internal communication of brands, organizations and their image, by means of existing communication systems. Graduates of the program will have acquired theoretical knowledge and practical competences in the areas of specific aspects of communication of organizations and their external and internal image (advertising, public relations, branding).

The graduates of this program will have an extensive knowledge on social communication, fundamentals of economy and consumer behaviors, as well as vast project competences comprising the general area of image building and management in reference groups.

There will be a special emphasis on building communication competences, teamwork and negotiating skills, as well as techniques of effective and efficient communication. Practical skills connected with graphic designing in traditional and new media will also be a very important element of the teaching program.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku communication management

The course is dedicated to graduates of other studies.

Program kształcenia na kierunku communication management

The core subjects:

  • Public relations
  • Branding
  • Advertising
  • Design
  • Theories of communication
  • Lifestyle and consumer insights
  • Design management
  • Graphic fundamentals
  • Teamwork and team management
  • Media planning

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku communication management

The admission requirements for this field of study include:

  • possession of a diploma entitled to undertake studies,
  • presentation of a certificate of proficiency in English of at least level B2 on the Council of Europe scale.

Admission will be based on the place on the ranking list created according to the final grade on the diploma of the first-cycle or second-cycle studies.

Perspektywy pracy po kierunku communication management

Communication Management graduates can work in the following professional areas:

  • Cooperation with external customers: counseling, communication management, training (freelancer), opening their own business (advertising, public relations and/or branding agency).
  • Working in a marketing, PR or communication management department in a company or institution
  • Working in enterprises, companies or organizations, managing the customer relations process.
  • Managing communication in a multicultural organization.
  • Designing internal and external communication; designing and implementing visual communication systems.
  • Branding and brand management.
  • Creative industries in a broad sense (advertising and interactive agencies, social media, PR agencies, media houses, production studios, etc.)
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