Graduate programme in political science
Students of Graduate programme in political science, apart from regular courses, actively take part in academic life, participating in different political science associations, conferences, debates, and lectures given by distinguished guests from all over the world, who are often invited by our university, as well as in social events.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku graduate programme in political science
The Graduate Programme in Political Science is addressed to candidates who hold Bachelor’s degrees (undergraduate studies) from Poland or abroad. This is a full-time graduate Master’s programme. The language of instruction is English.
It is a good choice if you are a passionate about the surrounding socio-political reality, would like to become a political advisor, image creation specialist, official in the ministry or EU institutions, and maybe even start political activity.
Program kształcenia na kierunku graduate programme in political science
Courses in study programme:
- Political Analysis
- Comparative analysis of political regimes
- Theories of Democracy
- Civil Society
- General elective course
- BHP-OSH Occupational Safety and Care
- Introduction to International Protection of Intellectual Property
- MA seminar
- Qualitative Methods and Mixed Methods
- Political Communication and Political Marketing
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku graduate programme in political science
Admission to the first year of second-cycle studies is open to persons holding a BA, Master’s or BSc or equivalent diploma in any degree subject.
The qualification is based on an oral examination conducted in the English language on suggested topics.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku graduate programme in political science
Graduates will acquire the intellectual qualifications necessary to analyse political problems from an international perspective. Thanks to skill-building activities provided during their classes, they will be well-trained in the art of communication, negotiation and persuasion. Particular emphasis is placed on issues concerning European integration, as well as Poland and Eastern Europe.
The graduates can work in:
- public administration
- NGO's
- media
- consulting agencies
- political activity
- international organizations
- political advisory
- marketing/PR/event agencies
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