Raw materials value chain
Raw materials value chain is a new two-year Master Science degree major. The curriculum is designed to equip students with expertise in sustainable extraction, processing and end-use of raw materials. The comprehensive approach of combining academic and expert knowledge will translate into awareness of, and concern for, the raw materials value chain sector in Europe. The process of knowledge acquisition will be carried out with close co-operation with a broad spectrum of stakeholders – including SMEs and large corporations.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku raw materials value chain
- Geology,
- Mining Engineering,
- Mineral Processing,
- Environmental Engineering,
- Mechanical Engineering,
- Metallurgy,
- or similar
Program kształcenia na kierunku raw materials value chain
Subjects students learn:
- Business training and general trends in the raw materials value chain
- The challenges of mining activities in the world
- Sustainable explorations of deposits and modern geological technologies for their identification
- New trends in the mining technologies and mineral processing
- Problems on post mining area - water management, reclamation, revitalization
- Modern and innovative machines and mining methods used in raw materials excavation
- Economics and managerial finance in raw materials
- Innovative processes for circular economy in the non-ferrous metals industry
- Modern technologies in mineral processing
- Metallurgical industry development
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku raw materials value chain
Application rules:
- entrance exam
- average from studies
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku raw materials value chain
Through the programme, students will become technical experts in the field of raw materials, being aware of sustainability, and gaining a holistic view of the value chain and processes. Graduates‘ skills and knowledge will be highly valued in the mining and processing, metallurgy, energy, automotive and logistics sectors.
Opinie o kierunku raw materials value chain
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku raw materials value chain
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek raw materials value chain
W których miastach można studiować kierunek raw materials value chain
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