Space technologies
A graduate of the second-cycle Space Technologies programme will possess advanced interdisciplinary skills tailored to the demands of the modern space sector. Building on their first-cycle education, students gain expertise in key areas such as spacecraft design, mission planning, satellite systems, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics in space applications.
This programme also provides a strong foundation for doctoral studies, enabling graduates to contribute to innovative research projects in fields such as space exploration, planetary sciences, biomedical technologies, and space-related applications.
Three specialized pathways are offered:
- Upstream
- Downstream
- Biomedical.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku space technologies
Studies are dedicated to first-cycle graduates. It is a good choice for candidates interested in space exploration, space engineering, space missions or biomedical technologies.
Program kształcenia na kierunku space technologies
The courses in study programme:
- Orbital mechanics and mission analysis
- Space engineering
- Materials for Space
- Space robotics and control theory
- Social dimensions of space exploration
- Astrophysics and Astronomy
- Space Mission - Risk, Sustainability and Supply Chain Optimization.
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku space technologies
The admission includes entrance exam and average of studies.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku space technologies
Graduates are well-prepared to pursue careers in the rapidly expanding space industry, taking on roles in satellite development, mission analysis, biomedical engineering, and space system operations. They are also equipped to work in R&D positions at leading aerospace companies, biotechnology firms, research institutions, and government agencies. Companies specializing in Earth observation, navigation systems, space medicine, and advanced manufacturing processes are among the many potential employers.
Opinie o kierunku space technologies
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku space technologies
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek space technologies
W których miastach można studiować kierunek space technologies
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