Culture, thought and humanity
The program Culture, Thought and Humanity will allow you to gain advanced knowledge of philosophical ideas and their influence on the process of cultural formation, as well as the use of these ideas for dialogue between cultures. The program’s motto is „Thinking for a change.”
Students learn about the various stages of European civilization, and discover the topics from the philosophy of culture (including modern culture) and aesthetics. They can reflect on ethical issues (such as humanitarian aid), as well as introducing you to axiological and socio-political topics. They are encouraged you to go beyond the realm of philosophy, with courses in Sociology and Psychology.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku culture, thought and humanity
The programme is dedicated to those candidates, who are interested in humanistic ideas and their influence upon the process of cultural formation, their interrelationships, their presence in different cultures, and their dynamics in the processes of cultural development.
Program kształcenia na kierunku culture, thought and humanity
The core subjects:
- Greek Culture and Civilization
- Aesthetics and Art
- Logical Culture
- The Philosophical Aspects of Politics and Econ- omy
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Ethics of Humanitarian Actions
- European Heritage of Values
- The Renaissance Project of the Person and the Universe
- Ontology of the Social Being
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku culture, thought and humanity
The admission requirements for this field of study include:
- possession of a high school certificate to undertake studies,
- presentation of a certificate of proficiency in English of at least level B2 on the Council of Europe scale.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku culture, thought and humanity
Studying Culture, Thought and Humanity will prepare you for work in institutions in the areas of education, media and the arts, as well as in non-governmental organizations operating at the intersection of cultures.
Opinie o kierunku culture, thought and humanity
The programme includes international cooperation, offering a palette of courses taught by teachers from both University of Wrocław and foreign centers (US, Carbondale).
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku culture, thought and humanity
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek culture, thought and humanity
W których miastach można studiować kierunek culture, thought and humanity
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