Jakiego kierunku studiów szukasz?

Aeronautics and aerospace engineering

Students of Aeronautics and aerospace engineering will gain knowledge, skills and competences in the field of aircraft design and construction, selection of aviation and space construction materials. They learn about construction and operation of aircraft and space engines, aviation law, simulation, flight safety and technical standards and norms related to the operation of flying objects.

The studies focus on air logistics, computer-aided design and operation technician of flying objects, aerodynamics and flight mechanics, management, including the management of structural design and development processes.

It is a first degree course, fully conducted in English.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku aeronautics and aerospace engineering

The course is dedicated to those, who are interested in the tasks of design, manufacture, principles of operation and operation of aircraft or space objects.

Program kształcenia na kierunku aeronautics and aerospace engineering

See details on the faculty website.

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku aeronautics and aerospace engineering

Rekrutacja odbywa się na podstawie punktów uzyskanych na maturze z:

  • matematyki na poziomie podstawowym
  • jednego przedmiotu wybranego spośród: matematyka (poziom rozszerzony), biologia, chemia, fizyka, informatyka albo wynik egzaminów zawodowych w zawodzie nauczanym na poziomie technika.

Perspektywy pracy po kierunku aeronautics and aerospace engineering

The graduates are prepared to work in:

  • research centers
  • aviation industry
  • space industry.

Opinie o kierunku aeronautics and aerospace engineering

The aerospace industry is looking for high-class specialists with extensive engineering knowledge, which they will be able to use in scientific and research or research centers, as well as in companies related to the aviation and space industry.

“In our opinion, the above-mentioned field of study will enable the development of new, specialized engineering staff. The curriculum is written in a factual manner, emphasizing both education in the field of aircraft construction and their operation. We hope that it will meet the expectations of students and future graduates of the Silesian University of Technology.” - the Chairman of the Local Government Council of the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering

Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku aeronautics and aerospace engineering

Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek aeronautics and aerospace engineering

W których miastach można studiować kierunek aeronautics and aerospace engineering

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