Technical physics
The studies on Technical physics are closely related to the development of modern technologies and the education of highly qualified personnel for the medical, IT, analytical and materials sectors.
The Student will learn about the physical basics of medical diagnostic and therapeutic devices, learn about devices used in diagnostics (e.g. ultrasound, tomography, resonance) and medical therapy (e.g. x-ray and nuclear devices) and the principles of their safe use.
There are three specialities to choose:
- Medical Physics,
- Computational Physics,
- Modern materials and measurement techniques
Dla kogo studia na kierunku technical physics
The course is dedicated for Students seeking for practical knowledge of applied physics for medical practice.
The programme is addressed to candidates holding high school diploma or any other equivalent degree which grants a direct access to a Bachelor’s degree program in the country where the document was issued and offered on a fee-paying basis.
Program kształcenia na kierunku technical physics
Courses students learn:
- Fundamentals of physics
- Physics revisions
- Technical Mechanics
- Mathematical methods of physics
- Fundamentals of quantum physics
- Atomic Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Thermodynamics
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku technical physics
Admission of candidates is based on an average of grades obtained during secondary school (eq. Mathematics, Physics).
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku technical physics
The graduates can work:
- in specialist laboratories and clinical laboratories in the hospital,
- with medical diagnostic equipment,
- IT,
- financial and insurance companies,
- analytical and technology industries,
- materials sectors.
Opinie o kierunku technical physics
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku technical physics
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek technical physics
W których miastach można studiować kierunek technical physics
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