Jakiego kierunku studiów szukasz?

Industrial engineering

The Industrial Engineering field of study combines elements from area of technical sciences, management, computer science and economics, preparing the graduates to effective functioning in dynamic and competitive business environment through acquiring solid theoretical foundations and practical skills, which can be used in various industries and sectors of economy.

Students will acquire knowledge and competences enabling designing, management and optimization of production processes and creation of innovative solutions, in accordance with international standards and requirements of contemporary industry.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku industrial engineering

The course is dedicated to future modern engineers, who will be flexible, creative, open to learning and development of their skills concerning usage of modern tools.

Program kształcenia na kierunku industrial engineering

See details on the University website.

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku industrial engineering

The qualification subjects:

  • foreign language
  • one chosen: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology.

Perspektywy pracy po kierunku industrial engineering

Graduates of this field of study can find their employment on the following positions:

  • technical director,
  • process engineer,
  • quality engineer
  • technical documentation specialist,
  • design engineer,
  • CAD designer,
  • CAM technologist,
  • service engineer,
  • R&D engineer (research and development),
  • data analysis specialist,
  • project manager,
  • production automation engineer.

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W których miastach można studiować kierunek industrial engineering

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