International relations and public diplomacy
The programme of International Relations and Public Diplomacy is a double-degree concept, which allows students to complete studies for two semesters at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and two semesters at the University of Siena in Italy.
It focuses on acquiring knowledge combining the issues of multi-level analysis of both international relations and state activities in the external sphere and adapting the possessed knowledge and skills, with particular emphasis on the importance of public diplomacy (political, economic, cultural), both at the level of global and regional institutions and state and non-governmental organizations.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku international relations and public diplomacy
Persons eligible to apply for the programme are holders of a higher education diploma (at least undergraduate) in any field.
Additional formal requirement is documented command of English language at least on the B2 level specified by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Program kształcenia na kierunku international relations and public diplomacy
Main obligatory subjects:
- Public Diplomacy,
- World Politics since 1945,
- International Economics,
- Global Comparative Politics
- International Law and Human Rights.
The MA programme offers a catalogue of optional courses that have been determined by geographical selection, which makes IR-PUB a field of study that provides knowledge about international relations in a comprehensive perspective through courses dedicated to Latin America, Africa, East Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and the functioning of international organizations in the modern world.
The program offers courses in the form of workshops aimed at acquiring analytical skills as well as teamwork and leadership skills: Foreign Policy Analysis and Leadership and Project Management.
In addition, the program provides the development of language skills through the opportunity to participate in modern language courses and a specialist English course in diplomacy - Academic English.
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku international relations and public diplomacy
Candidates are placed on the ranking list in order established on the basis of final result, expressed on a scale from 0 to 100, calculated as follows:
- Assessment of the motivation letter written in English (preliminary thesis project will also be assessed as part of the motivation letter) - maximum of 50 points;
- Points awarded for reference letters - maximum of 50 points.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku international relations and public diplomacy
The graduates gain knowledge, competences and skills in the fields of public diplomacy, international affairs, security issues, international economic relations and public international law
They will respond to the requirements of the labour market due to the acquired competences: formulating own opinions based on the empirical knowledge gained, analysing phenomena and processes related to the broadly understood international system, critical thinking about the analysed processes, adaptation in teamwork or taking over the role of a leader, functioning in an intercultural environment, negotiation and mediation skills. By the acquired knowledge and competences consistent with the learning outcomes, the graduate is able to undertake professional work in the area of specialist education, offering wide opportunities for further professional development.
Opinie o kierunku international relations and public diplomacy
The International Relations and Public Diplomacy (IR-PUB) is a new international and English-language master's degree program, lasting for 4 semesters, implemented within the framework and with financial support of the Katamaran program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (from the Knowledge-Education-Development Operational Program: POWER).
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