Renewable energy sources and waste management
Graduates of Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management course have profound knowledge of the technical tasks of engineering and environmental management in the area of RES & WM. They have theoretically founded thorough knowledge of RES & WM, including engineering design of equipment, installations and structures designed to generate energy from renewable sources, and of waste management issues. They also have advanced knowledge of economics and law necessary to understand non-technical conditions of engineering work adequate to RES & WM, including extensive knowledge of the function and development of rural areas. They have knowledge about the operation and reliability of machines and equipment designed for RES & WM and the rules of creating and developing business based on the knowledge of RES & WM issues.
Graduates of Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management course can single-handedly analyse processes typical of RES & WM and optimise them through analytical methods and simulation. They are able to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of performed engineering operations, including their originality. They recognise the systemic and non-technical (environmental, economic, legal) aspects of performed engineering operations. They observe OSH rules at work. They can perform a critical analysis of the operation and evaluate existing technical solutions (in equipment, structures, systems) applied in production of energy from renewable sources and in waste management. They have the ability to identify and formulate specification of engineering task characteristic of RES & WM and can analyse single-handedly phenomena that affect production of energy from renewable sources and the impact of waste management on natural environment. They can plan and supervise the operation of machinery, technical equipment and systems to ensure failure-free operation.
Graduates of Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management course are aware of the importance of continued education and self-improvement in their field. They understand the non-technical aspects and effects of engineering, including the impact of engineering on natural environment, and the associated responsibility for taken decisions. They have the ability to interact and work in a team, assuming various roles, and are capable of establishing priorities that serve to accomplish a self-imposed task or tasks imposed by others. They can identify and resolve dilemmas related to the practised profession. They possess an entrepreneurial mindset. They are aware of the social, professional and moral responsibility for the natural environment (they are familiar with practices aimed at reducing the negative impact of performed RES & WM operations).
Dla kogo studia na kierunku renewable energy sources and waste management
Program kształcenia na kierunku renewable energy sources and waste management
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku renewable energy sources and waste management
Szczegółowe zasady rekrutacji dostępne na stronie www Uczelni.
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