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Interdisciplinary bioeconomy studies

Interdisciplinary Bioeconomy Studies are founded on principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable resource utilization, with a primary focus on meeting societal needs. Central to these studies is the concept of the circular bioeconomy, which advocates for replacing conventional refinery products with biorefinery alternatives. Additionally, it enables the efficient utilization of biological raw materials through a cascade approach, thereby enhancing economic efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Students get the knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the bioeconomy and contribute meaningfully to its sustainable development. They learn about production processes in the bioeconomy and their economic context both at the level of the entire economy and the activities of individual economic entities.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku interdisciplinary bioeconomy studies

The course is recommended to those, who wish to be in the forefront of bioeconomy developments and are enthusiastic about learning in an international and multicultural team.

Program kształcenia na kierunku interdisciplinary bioeconomy studies

The educational curriculum within the IBS program is structured around three key thematic blocks:

Socio-economic Context: Students delve into the contemporary economic and social landscape of the circular bioeconomy. They acquire the necessary tools to comprehend the principles governing production, industrial operations, and project execution. Emphasis is placed on fostering creative thinking, with mandatory Design Thinking workshops forming an integral part of the program.

Circularity Context: This segment of the curriculum familiarizes students with the various stages of material circulation within both the economy and the environment. Starting from sustainable primary production principles, students’ progress through the stages of biomass processing via biotechnological methods, culminating in the recovery of nutrients

In-depth Production Context: Students receive comprehensive instruction on the intricate processes, methodologies, and applications involved in converting biomass into non-food goods. This includes but is not limited to the production of bioplastics, biofuels, and cosmetics.

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku interdisciplinary bioeconomy studies

Candidates should have:

  • Bachelor's degree diploma
  • document certifying the knowledge of English at least B2 level.

Perspektywy pracy po kierunku interdisciplinary bioeconomy studies

Graduates can develop their professional paths towards consulting, designing the value chain in the bioeconomy, working for institutions implementing sustainable development policies, NGOs, as well as towards the production and processing of biological resources.

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