International master program in management accounting
A graduate of the International Master Program in Management Accounting will learn how to conduct financial and non-financial analyses, how to apply internal audit resources and recommend appropriate solutions or internal controls, become skilled in people performance management and project management.
Students gain knowledge of economic, legal, ethical and other conditions of various types of professional activity related to international business, including the principle of industrial property and copyright protection
Dla kogo studia na kierunku international master program in management accounting
This program is an offer to graduates of the first cycle-studies.
Program kształcenia na kierunku international master program in management accounting
Major courses:
- Business Ethics
- Business Law
- Enterprise Risk Management Framework in Action
- Financial Analysis and Working Capital Management
- Financial Strategy
- Fixed Term and Equity Financing
- Group Accounting under IFRS
- Integrated Reporting
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- Managing Performance
- Risk Control and Uncertainty
- Management
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Management: from Available Options to Optimal Choices
- Value Enhancement Technics
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku international master program in management accounting
The applicants should submit an academic degree diploma and a diploma supplement.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku international master program in management accounting
The studies develop the skills necessary to start a career as a specialist in various international companies.
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