Social and public policy
The interdisciplinary nature of Social and public policy program not only introduces students to the workings of Social and Public Policy but also makes them responsive to the concerns of other fields, such as law, economics, history, and culture.
This full-time program is taught entirely in English.
The program comprises six semesters. The first two semesters introduce students to the major concepts and theories of social and public policies. In contrast, the remaining semesters explore designing, implementing, and evaluating policies related to social and public issues.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku social and public policy
The program is designed for students with a strong interest in making a difference in today's world. It seeks internationally oriented candidates who are creative, motivated, and ready to embrace a multicultural environment.
Program kształcenia na kierunku social and public policy
Students learn:
- Political institutions in the EU countries
- Economics
- Sociology of Social Problems
- Quantitative research methods
- Redistribution policy and politics
- Social care and social work
- Welfare mix
- Public services’ design
- Policy analysis
- Project management
- International and regional organizations
- Fundraising
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku social and public policy
W procesie rekrutacji punktowane są:
- język polski
- język obcy
- matematyka
- jeden przedmiot do wyboru spośród: inny język obcy nowożytny, historia, wiedza o społeczeństwie, geografia, filozofia, język łaciński i kultura antyczna, język grecki i kultura antyczna, biologia, chemia, fizyka i astronomia/ fizyka, informatyka, historia muzyki, historia sztuki.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku social and public policy
Graduates of this program will be equipped with the skills and knowledge to pursue various career paths in the public and private sectors and in non-governmental and international organizations. They will have a comprehensive understanding of social and public policy and be prepared to work in public policy analysis, public administration, community development, education, and healthcare.
Opinie o kierunku social and public policy
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku social and public policy
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek social and public policy
W których miastach można studiować kierunek social and public policy
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