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European banking and insurance in digital environment

The field of study is commercial in nature and is dedicated to students who have completed undergraduate studies, both Polish - interested in the European financial market, and foreign.

The educational program contains both theoretical content and practical knowledge, and its aim is to prepare graduates to use the acquired competencies in the widely understood labor market, especially in international companies providing financial services to business and private entities, as well as companies operating in a global environment - especially in the European financial market.

The aim is to create a modern profile of the future graduate, adequate to the anticipated needs of the labor market, therefore a teaching cooperation with various Institutes is planned, which will make it possible to offer the broadest possible interdisciplinary teaching in this field of study.

Dla kogo studia na kierunku european banking and insurance in digital environment

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Program kształcenia na kierunku european banking and insurance in digital environment

  • the program familiarizes students with the latest trends and processes in financial markets in the era of digitization of the economy;
  • it prepares students for taking an international exam and obtain The European Foundation Certificate in Banking (ECB EFCB), offered by the European Banking & Financial Services Training Association (the Brussels-based professional training firm), in cooperation with Polish Bank Association;
  • thanks to cooperation with many financial institutions (e.g. Polish Bank Association, Santander Bank Polska SA and Euroclear Bank Poland), students have the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and skills;
  • thanks to classes conducted in English, the student is familiar with English-language terminology used in the financial market;

Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku european banking and insurance in digital environment

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Perspektywy pracy po kierunku european banking and insurance in digital environment

Upon completion of the program, the student is a high-level specialist in the field of banking and insurance, as well as an expert in European financial regulation and risk management techniques. In addition, the graduate is well acquainted with the areas of application of modern technologies in the financial market (blockchain, Artificial Intelligence) and companies applying new technologies (FinTech, BigTech, challenger banks).

A graduate can apply for jobs in the following financial institutions:

  • banks,
  • insurance companies
  • investment and pension firms,
  • regulatory institutions,
  • international financial institutions
  • fintech companies,
  • consulting firms.

Opinie o kierunku european banking and insurance in digital environment

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Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek european banking and insurance in digital environment

W których miastach można studiować kierunek european banking and insurance in digital environment

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