Clean energy
Students of Clean energy gain knowledge necessary to solve problems concerning the utilization and transformation of various types of energy.
During studies particular attention was paid on following issues: acquire and conversion of renewable energy sources, highly effective and environmentally friendly energy technologies, energy conservation and rationalization of its use, as well as methods of short- and long-term energy storage.
Also particular emphasis was put on hydrogen as an universal energy carrier and storage. In addition, the abilities of calculation which allow the description of conversion and transport of mechanical and thermal energy, are developed, as well as the knowledge and skills related to organization and implementation of transport processes, which include renewable energy sources.
Students can choose:
- Hydrogen, biofuels and clean transportation
- Solar energy and heat pumps
It is a second-cycle course.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku clean energy
The course is dedicated to graduates of first-cycle studies interested in tasks of renewable energy, modern technologies, clean energy.
Program kształcenia na kierunku clean energy
See details on the faculty web side.
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku clean energy
The candidates need to have a first-cycle studies diploma.
They also go through an entrance exam.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku clean energy
The graduates can work in:
- corporations designing and installing small and medium-sized energy systems
- companies utilizing energy systems
- companies using hydrogen as an energy carrier and storage and designing and installing appropriate devices and installations
- local government units.
Opinie o kierunku clean energy
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku clean energy
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek clean energy
W których miastach można studiować kierunek clean energy
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