It cyber security
IT Cyber Security combines knowledge of computer science with knowledge of political science and administration.
Students learn about the place of cybersecurity in the contemporary understanding of security, the complexity of security threats in cyberspace, basic programming structures and rules of designing programming scripts, standards for information security management, principles of operation of cryptographic modules and the manner of their application in IT Systems and others.
It is a second cycle programme.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku it cyber security
The programme is addressed to candidates holding a Bachelor degree or any other equivalent degree which grants a direct access to Master’s degree program.
Program kształcenia na kierunku it cyber security
Program of studies:
- Linux Operating System
- Programming in Python
- Computer Networks
- Introduction to cybersecurity
- Threats in cyberspace
- IT English Terminology
- Security of Web applications
- Secure Programming
- Computer Networks Security
- Information war in cyberspace
- Public international law and cybersecurity
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku it cyber security
In order to be eligible for a program taught in English, candidates must demonstrate that they meet English requirements for a given program.
Prospective students must register online in the UMCS Recruitment System and file all the necessary documents within the deadline or until all the spots available have been filled.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku it cyber security
Cyber security is the industry with the biggest skills gap.
Due to the lack of cyber security specialists, it is estimated that the industry has potential to create well over 3.5 million jobs worldwide by 2021.
Nearly 60% of organizations have vacant cyber security positions. Furthermore, 54% of organizations estimate it takes 3 months or more to fill such a position.
Opinie o kierunku it cyber security
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku it cyber security
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek it cyber security
W których miastach można studiować kierunek it cyber security
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