Eu energy and climate law
EU Energy and Climate Law is designed to equip graduate students with a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge necessary to properly address the challenges of energy transition. This requires not only an in-depth analysis of EU energy and climate law, but also a 360-degree view on the economic, technological, political, as well as societal and philosophical background and implications of this process. The holistic approach of the program will provide students with a broad understanding of major issues shaping regulatory solutions of the EU energy and climate policy and ways of their implementation at the Member States level.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku eu energy and climate law
The programme is dedicated to graduate students with at least a bachelor's degree, including international students and professionals and specialists who wish to gain holistic knowledge of the EU regulations in energy and climate policy, as well as the functioning of the energy sector, energy transition and key implications of climate change.
Program kształcenia na kierunku eu energy and climate law
Program structure includes following courses:
- EU Energy Law
- EU Climate Law
- Energy transformation
- International dimension of energy and climate politics
- Functioning of the energy market
- Functioning of the natural gas market
- Energy security
- Energy market liberalization and the application of EU competition in the energy sector
- Legal framework of the functioning of renewable energy sources
- Legal framework of investments process in the energy sector
- State Aid in the energy sector
- Nuclear Law
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku eu energy and climate law
Postępowanie rekrutacyjne składa się będzie z dwóch etapów:
- testu wiedzy z zakresu prawa
- przygotowaniu prezentacji na jeden z tematów z listy, która zostanie opublikowana
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku eu energy and climate law
Participants will gain a competitive edge and can be seen as the perfect candidates to work in:
- Energy enterprises
- Transmission or distribution system operators
- Specialized law firms
- International, European and national authorities
- Consulting regarding energy and sustainability issues
Opinie o kierunku eu energy and climate law
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku eu energy and climate law
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek eu energy and climate law
W których miastach można studiować kierunek eu energy and climate law
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