Food science - technology and nutrition
The programme Food science - technology and nutrition provides students with the most up-to-date knowledge and skills in the field of food technology, food processing and nutrition.
Students learn about technological processes, especially on the high-quality products and the implementation of processes with the use of the most modern and innovative techniques, standards and sustainable food systems, as well as allows to acquire knowledge and skills regarding the well-balanced nutrition in health maintaining.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku food science - technology and nutrition
Required: confirmed knowledge of English (certificate of English language at least level B2 or maturity exam in English language at an Advanced level with result at least 60%, or a document confirming completion of the high school with programme in English as language of instruction).
Program kształcenia na kierunku food science - technology and nutrition
The study programme offers lectures, tutorials and project-based teaching also. In addition to knowledge related to technological processes and human nutrition, graduates will be able to identify chemical, biological and physical hazards during food production, processing, distribution and storage.
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku food science - technology and nutrition
The candidate choose one of:
- biology
- chemistry
- mathematics
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku food science - technology and nutrition
The graduates can work in:
- engineering and technology positions in companies operating in the food industry,
- food processing plants, as well as in enterprises dealing with quality and safety management in the food chain,
- enterprises developing and supplying new technological solutions to food industry plants,
- consulting companies, commercial laboratories, food distribution and logistics,
- R&D institutes,
- companies responsible for diet planning and catering,
- facilities disseminating professional knowledge about food and nutrition and in many other institutions of the food chain.
Opinie o kierunku food science - technology and nutrition
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku food science - technology and nutrition
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek food science - technology and nutrition
W których miastach można studiować kierunek food science - technology and nutrition
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