Dietetics - studies in English
Dietetics 3-year studies in full-time and extramural modes. You will get your bachelor’s degree when you graduate.
The main causes of the morbidity are: poor nutrition, including overeating, lack of care for good food composition, inaccurate and hasty eating, and lifestyle: lack of exercise and excessive stress. So how should we eat to stay healthy and full of energy? How to help a person who already suffers from this type of disease? The answer can be given by a dietician – a specialist who has knowledge about proper nutrition, knows the principles of human body functioning and at the same time has therapeutic predispositions.
The expected learning outcomes are not only physical but also psychological. By studying dietetics, you will learn how the human body works and what processes take place in it. You will learn how to design a proper diet for both ill and healthy people, taking into account their genetic characteristics, food intolerances, allergies, lifestyle and private preferences. You will gain knowledge about designing and conducting technological processes used in food production. You will get to know the methods of evaluation of nutrition and diet of young people, adults, elderly people, pregnant women, people practicing different sports and living in different environmental conditions. You will also learn what communication with the patient (and their family) should look like, what to look out for and what to follow when talking to them.
Dla kogo studia na kierunku dietetics - studies in English
The programme is perfect for those people who maintain a healthy lifestyle and would like to learn how to apply their newly-gained knowledge in practice.
Program kształcenia na kierunku dietetics - studies in English
In the course of three years of study you will acquire many new skills – among others, you will learn how to conduct a nutritional interview, give individual and group advice, operate and use special devices designed to identify selected food ingredients and prepare food. You will be able to plan and implement appropriate dietary management in order to prevent and treat diet-related diseases. You will also learn the principles of interaction between medications and food.
Przedmioty maturalne i zasady rekrutacji na kierunku dietetics - studies in English
Candidates for studies are accepted without entrance exams. Applicants are admited on a first come, first served basis.
We consider submission of a set of required documents as an application. We don’t verify your results achieved during the secondary school leaving examinations.
Perspektywy pracy po kierunku dietetics - studies in English
After graduation you can open your own nutrition counseling practice or take up a professional career in:
- public and non-public health care institutions
- mass catering establishments and establishments supplying food to hospitals and other caterers
- consumer organizations
- sports facilities
- in education – after completing teaching specialization (in accordance with the standards of education preparing for the teaching profession).
Opinie o kierunku dietetics - studies in English
The World Health Organisation reports that there are over 400 million adults currently suffering from obesity and around 1. 6 billion who are overweight. In addition, obesity is classified as one of the top ten diseases – risk factors that increase the number of deaths. For this reason, they are called the plague of the 21st century.
Kierunki pokrewne do kierunku dietetics - studies in English
Jakie uczelnie oferują kierunek dietetics - studies in English
W których miastach można studiować kierunek dietetics - studies in English
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